Monday, February 21, 2011

Update on Brooks

Brooks is really starting to show improvement. He woke up this evening around 5:00 p.m. and started kicking his legs and arms. He was very alert. His respiratory therapist said that Brooks had a great night and she wants to try and take him off the ventilator on Wednesday or Thursday. They started another round of steroids in hopes that it will break up the rest of the mucous. Seeing Brooks move around was very exciting! I miss being able to pick him up and hold him. It has been nine days since I have gotten to hold him. Mommy needs snuggle time!!


  1. I am so glad he is doing better! I am praying that he will be able to come off the ventilator later this week and that all the mucous will be gone!

  2. Sweetness!! I hope he is off of it soon. I am coming down this weekend to see you guys if that is okay. Love you guys
