Sunday, April 10, 2011

Little Rascal

     Last Friday Brooks had to be entubated because his carbon dioxide levels in his blood stream were too high. He spiked a fever and they were unable to stabilize Brooks without the ventilator. They ran many tests trying to see if he had an infection or a virus. Everything came back negative. On Tuesday, he gnawed on a nurse's finger. She joked saying that he bit her. The next day, a new nurse  heard about the little bite and joked around about it. Later she had to reposition his ventilator tube and he bit her finger! The little rascal is teething and that is what set him back. As the week passed Brooks showed much improvement and was taken off the ventilator on Thursday afternoon.
     He has had a great attitude all week. If you are a parent you already know what happens during the teething process: drooling, constant gnawing, fever, sinus drainage and the worst part diarrhea. His little booty was completely broken out. They had to mix a special "butt paste" for his booty.  The nurses and respiratory therapist have been so helpful. They gave me a special oxygen mask for his booty. Once a day I would cut a small hole in his diaper and oxygenate his booty. He absolutely loved it, just laying on his tummy with oxygen blowing on it to soothe his bottom.
    We are still asking for your prayers specifically for his lungs, motor development, and we found blood in his urine. He had an ultrasound on Friday night. I will meet with the doctors tomorrow to see what the plan is for the blood in his urine. Brooks is a fighter and he never really complains. I am learning so much from my son. He has so much to cry and complain about yet he does not. I am growing spiritually and emotionally everyday just from watching this sweet miracle that God has blessed me with.
    I give thanks for all of your continued prayers and for your words of encouragement. You will never know how much they have meant to us!

1 comment:

  1. He's getting BIG! Shirt says it all too lol! I know when our boy was teething the poop was definitely the worst. It stunk like nothing i have ever smelled before!
