Sunday, April 3, 2011

Thank You for the Prayers

    Brooks remains on the ventilator, but he is showing much improvement. Brian and I have been completely overwhelmed by the Holy Spirit working through so many people to take time out and pray especially for our baby!
    On Saturday the Alabama Juniors' Volleyball team took special time out of their tournament to pray for Brooks and play in honor of him too! They played hard with a 13-2 record. I received a picture of them praying for Brooks. About 30 minutes later, Brooks became very alert! I had time to play, talk, and sing to him. God is so good and he uses others to bless us!
   Today at church, many people were moved to pray for Brian, Brooks and I. Later some of the prayer warriors from church came to the hospital to pray for Brooks too.
This weekend I've been overwhelmed by fear.  After all of the hope, love and prayers from our family, church and friends; I am overwhelmed by the love and peace of the Holy Spirit.  Thank you God for sending people to give us great peace and comfort!
   Continue to pray for Brooks' lungs to heal, his pulmonary hypertension to cease, and that he will come home healthy soon. I love you God! You are my healer, the great physician, and comforter.  "Your promise revives me; it comforts me in all my troubles." Psalm 119:50


  1. I'm so glad to hear that your lil boy is doing much better:) God works in mysterious ways and he has clearly blessed you with this lil boy because he knows that you and your husband are strong enough to handle all of this...God will never throw anything your way that you can't handle...Just remember, I can do anything through Christ who strengthens me:) My prayers are with you and your family in hopes that Baby Brooks will come home soon. In All Prayers & Love...The Bradfords

  2. Just tuned in to your blog and my heart can't handle reading everything, so I am going to stop reading and start praying.
